do;? Vanessa instructed; peering through the lens of her digital video camera to see if the light was
okay。 ?Can you clear some of that shit off your desk??
Dan swept his arm over the desk and sent pens; paper clips; scraps of paper; rubber bands; books;
empty packs of unfiltered Camels; matchbooks; and empty Coke cans crashing to the
brown…carpeted floor。 They were filming in Dan?s room because that was where he usually
worked。 Besides; it was a straight shot through the park from Constance Billard on East
Ninety…third Street between Fifth and Madison to Dan?s apartment building on West Ninety…ninth
Street and West End Avenue。
?And maybe take your shirt off; too;? Vanessa suggested。Making Poetry was going to be about
the artistic process; illustrating that whatdoesn?t go into the work is just as important as what does。
There would be lots of shots of Dan crumpling up paper and throwing it angrily across the room。
Vanessa wanted to show that writing?or creating anything; for that matter?wasn?t just a mental
exercise: it wasphysical 。 Plus; Dan had these great little muscles in his back that she couldn?t wait
to get on film。
Dan stood up and peeled off his plain black T…shirt; tossing it onto his unmade bed where the
Humphreys? fat old cat; Marx; lay asleep on his back like a furry beached whale。 Everything
about the apartment Dan shared with his father; Rufus; an editor of lesser…known Beat poets; and
his little sister; Jenny; was unmade; falling apart; or at the very least pletely covered with cat
hair and dust bunnies。 It was a large; bright; high…ceilinged apartment; but it hadn?t been properly
cleaned in twenty years; and the crumbling walls were gasping for a new coat of paint。 Dan and
his father and sister rarely threw anything away; either; so the sagging furniture and scratched
wooden floors were strewn with old newspapers and magazines; out…of…print books; inplete
decks of cards; used batteries; and unsharpened pencils。 It was the kind of place where your coffee
got cat hair in it the minute you poured it; which was a problem Dan dealt with constantly because
he was pletely addicted to caffeine。
?Do you want me to face the camera?? he asked; sitting down on his worn wooden desk chair
and swiveling it toward Vanessa。 ?I could hold the notebook in my lap and write like this;? he
Vanessa knelt down and squinted through the camera lens。 She was wearing her gray pleated
Constance Billard uniform with black tights; and the brown shag carpet felt bristly against her
knees。 ?Yes; that?s nice;? she murmured。 Oh; just look how pale and smooth Dan?s chest was! She
could see every rib; and that nice line of tawny peach fuzz that ran up his belly to his navel! She
inched forward on her knees; trying to get as close as possible without ruining the frame。
Dan bit the end of his pen; smiled to himself; and then wrote;She?s got a shaved head; she wears
凋落的昙花 花婿鉴定期 我被冰冻了100年 诡念 后来发生了战争 曾国藩(上卷) 齐眉 军妆 蛇男 小靓女 听话老公 我的第三帝国 绑在床上的酷哥 暗黑破坏神之毁灭 战锤之米登兰的雄狮王 十二女皇 酒儿娘子 异世灵武天下 和丧尸同行的日子 我的模型系统