


of Serena prancing around the runway at the Les Best show wearing her school uniform and that

stupid I LOVEAARONT…shirt。 Even in the bar; she could hear people murmuring; ?Who is she??

and ?Who?s Aaron?? It was enough to drive Blair right up the red velvet?covered wall。

?I wore my Yale tie this time;? Owen announced with a sly grin as he strode through the door

wearing a tan Burberry trench coat and a black wool fedora hat that made him look even more

manly and dashing than when she?d first met him。 He slid into the red velvet?covered bench next

to Blair and kissed her on the cheek。 His face was damp and cold from the storm; and the feel of it

against her face made her whole body tingle。 ?Hello; gorgeous。?

Instantly Blair forgot all about Serena。 She was with a sexy older man who called

her ?gorgeous。?So there。

?Hi。? She twisted her ruby ring around and around on her ring finger。 ?I?m sorry I dragged you

out on a night like this。 I was just so 。 。 。bored 。?

The cocktail waitress came over and Owen ordered a Bombay Sapphire martini straight up。 He

pulled a pack of Marlboro Lights from his pocket; put two cigarettes in his mouth; lit them both

and passed one to Blair。 His black eyebrows furrowed with brooding concern as he gazed at her

with his piercingly bright blue eyes。 ?You?re not in any trouble; are you??

Trouble?Blair took a drag off her cigarette and considered her answer。 If you could call having a

crush on your older; married Yale alum interviewer trouble; then yes; she was interrible

trouble。 ?Maybe;? she replied coyly。 ?Are you??

The waitress brought Owen his martini。 He ate the green olive floating inside it and then wiped

his mouth with a cocktail napkin。 A trace of dark five o?clock shadow cloaked his sharply defined

chin。 ?I was in a breakfast meeting this morning; eating Cheerios with five other lawyers; and I

was thinking about you;? he admitted。

Blair ran her fingernail over her fishnet…stockinged knee。 ?Really?? she asked; immediately

wishing her voice didn?t sound quite so eager and hopeful。

Owen raised his glass to his lips; his blue eyes smoldering。 ?Yeah。 I?ve been so crazy busy this

week; but I promise I?ll get that report over to the guys at Yale ASAP。?

?Oh;? Blair responded disappointedly。 She twirled her little brown cocktail straw around in her

drink。 For once she hadn?t even been thinking about Yale。 Being with Owen made her feel like she

wasbeyond Yale。 She was his ?gorgeous;? the star of his show。 Or maybe she was only deluding


Glancing through the paned glass window behind them; Blair could barely see the cars parked

out on the street。 They were just masses of white; like big; dumb sleeping elephants。

She could feel Owen watching her as she puffed on her cigarette and blew a stream of gray

smoke into the air above their heads。 He?d asked to see her again; hadn?t he? And he wouldn?t

have done that if he wasn?t attracted to her。 He was just nervous; that was all。 Inside Blair?s head;

the cameras were starting to roll。 She was the femme fatale seducing the handsome; good; older

lawyer。 Yale was the last thing she wanted to talk about right now。

齐眉  花婿鉴定期  十二女皇  和丧尸同行的日子  小靓女  绑在床上的酷哥  听话老公  酒儿娘子  曾国藩(上卷)  异世灵武天下  我被冰冻了100年  蛇男  诡念  我的第三帝国  后来发生了战争  军妆  凋落的昙花  我的模型系统  战锤之米登兰的雄狮王  暗黑破坏神之毁灭  












