ISBN 978…0…316…04203…1
It makes one feel rather good deciding not to be a bitch。 。 。 。
?Ernest Hemingway
The Sun Also Rises
ABC Amber LIT Converter v2。02
Disclaimer: All the real names of places; people; and events have been altered or abbreviated to
protect the innocent。 Namely; me。
hey people!
February is like the girl at that party I threw when my parents took a ?second honeymoon? in
Cabo last week (I know: sad)。 You remember?the girl who puked all over the Spanish marble floor
in the guest bathroom and then refused to leave? We had to throw her Dior saddlebag and Oscar
de la Renta embroidered sheepskin coat into the elevator before she finally got the message。
Unlike most places in the world; though; New York refuses to fall into a February…induced
depression and bee a cold; gray; dismal wasteland。 At least;my New York does。 Here on the
Upper East Side we all know the cure for the drearies: one of Jedediah Angel?s crazy…sexy party
dresses; a pair of black satin Manolos; that new ?Ready or Not? red lipstick you can only get at
Bendel?s; a good Brazilian bikini wax; and a generous slathering of Est?e Lauder self…tanner; in
case your St。 Barts tan left over from Christmas break has finally faded。 Most of us are
second…semester seniors?at last。 Our college applications are in and our schedules are light; with a
double free period every day during which we can catch a Fashion Week runway show or head
back to a friend?s penthouse apartment to drink skinny lattes; smoke cigarettes; and help pick out
the evening?s screw…homework party outfit。
Another redeeming thing about February is my all…time favorite
should…be…a…national…no…school…holiday; Valentine?s Day。 If you already have a sweetheart; lucky
you。 If you don?t; now?s the chance to put the moves on that hottie you?ve been drooling over all
winter。 Who knows? You might find true love; or at least true lust; and soonevery day will feel like
Valentine?s Day。 Either that or you can just sit at home IMing sad; anonymous notes to people and
eating heart…shaped chocolates until you can?t fit into your favorite pair of Seven jeans anymore。
It?s up to you。 。 。 。
SandA holding hands and wandering slowly downFifth Avenue to the bar at thepton Hotel ;
where they can be seen most Friday nights; quaffingRed Bull andVeuve Clicquot cocktails and
chuckling to themselves with the heady knowledge that they are without a doubt the hottest couple
in the room。B refusing to go insideVeronique ?a maternity store on Madison?with her glowingly
pregnant mom。D andV wearing matching black turtlenecks; their legs intertwined as they watched
蛇男 暗黑破坏神之毁灭 军妆 我被冰冻了100年 小靓女 绑在床上的酷哥 我的第三帝国 齐眉 听话老公 曾国藩(上卷) 花婿鉴定期 后来发生了战争 战锤之米登兰的雄狮王 凋落的昙花 和丧尸同行的日子 诡念 十二女皇 异世灵武天下 我的模型系统 酒儿娘子