ooked tarnished and worn and felt reassuringly heavy。 Chips only trusted his pass; believing puter navigational systems made people lazy and made them forget what it was like to trust their own minds。 Nate had been freaked out at first to head out onto the ocean with no puter system; but soon realized that Chips was right: When you had nothing else to trust; you had to trust yourself。
He pulled out the ivory card stock that acpanied the pass; written in Chips’s spiky…scrawly handwriting。
Thanks for ing on the journey; and I’m glad you learned something from this old man。 Remember: Read the pass; and stay the course。
Nate sighed; disappointed。 All of Chips’s lessons were summed up in two sentences。 He wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting。
A self…help manual?
He knew what Chips meant: that the pass only gave you directions—it was up to you to interpret the directions。 He wished charting his life was as easy as following a map。 He glanced down at the pass; which had led Chips in the right direction for years。 Maybe it did have some sort of power。 Maybe he could use it to help him figure things out。
He held the pass in his hand and squeezed his eyes shut。 If it pointed to W; it would mean Waldorf。 If it pointed toward S; it would mean Serena。
And if it points to N; would that mean Not a Good Idea?
The thin red needle swung back and forth; first wavering on N; then slowly falling down。 It wavered uncertainly before settling right on the letter W。
Nate smiled。 Everything seemed absurdly simple for the first time in a while。 He needed to find Blair。
Let’s hope he finds the shower first。
you’ve got mail
From: svw@vanderWoodsen。
To: dhumphrey3@columbia。edu
Subject: Your Poem
Hi Dan;
I’m hoping this is the same Dan Humphrey who went to Riverside Prep; and who wrote Serena in The New Yorker? It’s Serena van der Woodsen; from high school。 How are you? I just read your poem and loved it。 Would you want to meet me for coffee sometime?
From: dhumphrey3@columbia。edu
To: svw@vanderWoodsen。
Subject: Re: Your Poem
Hey! It’s really great to hear from you。 How’ve you been? I’d love to meet up for coffee; where and whenever。
P。S。 Glad you liked the poem。 Sorry for stealing your name for the title。
From: svw@vanderWoodsen。
To: dhumphrey3@columbia。edu
Subject: Re: re: Your Poem
Great! Four o’clock at Doma on Perry Street on Fri? I remember you love coffee。 Hope that hasn’t changed!
Xx S
the curse of the creative power couple
洪荒凌霄录 第一名男友 校花古游记 神医至尊:开局被退婚 重生六零小知青,被痞帅糙汉娇宠了 女王的裙摆~ 别怕,小绵羊 九界前传 蝴蝶金簪 早安,幽灵小姐 昆仑·天机卷 霸绝天 飘渺之旅(1) 偷心猎爱:首席的心尖宠 修神成魔 夭寿啦,老祖又又又纳妾了! 遇女心惊 梦华传说 老板,笑一个 贼女王妃