


your e…mail

q: Dear Gossip Girl;

So; I’m a freshman and when I got my housing assignment last August; I was thrilled to find out I was rooming with S。 As in; the famous S。 But she’s never around; and when she is; all she does is read philosophy and have sappy convos on her cell with her boyfriend。 Isn’t she supposed to be the dancing…on…tables life…of…the…party? What happened?


a: Dear Roomie;

It’s called acting far beyond her years; because she’s all boring and married。 Hopefully she’ll grow out of it soon and will start having fun with the rest of us。 Or at least attempting to entertain us again。



J piled in a car with S and D。 Destination: Providence; Rhode Island。 Can’t believe she’s ready to tour colleges!… B being picked up at Logan Airport in Boston by her gay dad; H; his new husband; and her adopted stepbrother and sister。 What a beautiful; accepting family!… N at Grand Central; drinking a large coffee and glancing wistfully at the clock in the center of the station。 Headed somewhere; or just remembering the road not taken?… V walking her chow…poodle mix around Williamsburg; watching all the hipster couples holding hands。 Lonely much?

college confidential

For most of us; the exhausting process of choosing a college is in our distant past。 But for those of you using the holiday break to plan your future; here’s a helpful hint: College tours never give an accurate representation of what your experience will be like。 You may never even set foot in that fabulous science library or use the multimillion…dollar athletic plex。 But you do have to make friends。 My advice: Go on a tour of your own and see what—or who—you e across。

You know you love me;

gossip girl

an almost missed connection

“This is the John Hay Library;” Naomi; Nate’s tour guide at Brown; explained; stopping in front of a large Gothic building in the chilly late…December afternoon。 The aged brick buildings of the Brown campus looked stately in the crisp winter air and there was a light dusting of snow on the campus green。 “It houses our collection of rare books。 Most students prefer to study at the John D。 Rockefeller library; which we call the Rock;” Naomi continued with a smile。 She was a pixieish junior with spiky short brown hair who majored in feminist dance; and had proudly explained that Brown allowed its undergrads to design their own major。 Back in high school; Nate had thought designing a major seemed cool; but now it seemed sort of dumb。 What was feminist dance; anyway?

I’m sure he could get a private lesson。

“They say rubbing the nose of the John Hay statue brings good luck。” Naomi rolled her eyes as if to show how ridiculous she thought the tradition was。 It didn’t stop several students from dipping away from the group to forcefully rub the sculpture; determined to increase their chances of admission。

Nate sighed。 He’d been at Deep Springs for the last year; but the college was only a two…year program。 Afterward; students transferred to schools like Harvard; Dartmouth; Yale; or Brown; which Nate had always heard was the most flexible and mellow of all the Ivies。 But no matter how laid…back Brown was; after living on a farm with thirty dudes; going to an actual university was going to be a giant jolt to the system。

“Let’s keep going! I can’t wait to show you the science library!” Naomi trilled; walking backward。 Nate tried not to groan。 The more he heard; the less he felt like he belonged anywhere。

He jammed his hands in the pockets of his khakis。 It was just a few days after Christmas; and the Brown campus was practically deserted。 Nate looked around dazedly; trying to place himself here; but he couldn’t。

As he approached the campus gates; he noticed a pretty girl in a bright red coat; squinting at the campus map。 She was obviously lost。 Something about her made Nate want to go over and help her; and he found himself stepping away from the group。

As he got closer; he took in the girl’s long; curly brown hair and milky white skin。 It was Jennifer Humphrey; the sweet; big…chested freshman he’d hooked up with senior year!

Jenny squinted up at the map of the Brown campus。 She’d e to Providence to tour RISD; where she’d applied back in November; but Brown was right next door; and she figured she might as well look around。 If she could ever find anything。 It looked a lot like Waverly—the snow…covered green; the oversize brick buildings; the occasional preppie…boho student who crossed her path—except bigger。 She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to find herself looking up into a familiar pair of glittering green eyes。

“Nate?” she squeaked; her voice going up an octave。 “I mean; Nate;” she repeated; trying to sound like the mature and collected eighteen…year…old she was。 Or would be; if she hadn’t just been

蝴蝶金簪  早安,幽灵小姐  老板,笑一个  别怕,小绵羊  神医至尊:开局被退婚  校花古游记  九界前传  遇女心惊  第一名男友  霸绝天  昆仑·天机卷  女王的裙摆~  重生六零小知青,被痞帅糙汉娇宠了  夭寿啦,老祖又又又纳妾了!  飘渺之旅(1)  修神成魔  洪荒凌霄录  偷心猎爱:首席的心尖宠  梦华传说  贼女王妃  


















